Electronic Music Producer Top Tips

Top tips for electronic music producers from a 30+ year electronic music veteran.

Electronic Music Producer Top Tips

As originally seen on https://www.instagram.com/p/CmhHmmvNUfs/, now with extra tips!


πŸ‘ ask for money, you are (probably) worth it.

πŸ‘ if they offer money, ask for more money.

πŸ‘ money very much buys you happiness.

πŸ‘ don’t be greedy.

πŸ‘ if nobody wants to release it, put it out yourself. Maybe it sucks, maybe it doesn’t, but at least you can move on to doing the next thing. Plus, it will make everyone stop thinking about how terrible your last release was.

πŸ‘ I’m writing two books.

πŸ‘ the best time to do something creative is now.

πŸ‘ I’m going to release some tapes soon.

πŸ‘ the second best time to do something creative is now.

πŸ‘ you are your own best promoter.

πŸ‘ if you don’t sheepishly make thinly veiled jokes about collaborating with others, they will never know.

πŸ‘ if you can’t join them, write listicles.

πŸ‘ if nobody likes it today, you can reissue it in 20 years.

πŸ‘ sometimes it’s best to just shut up.
