NTS Bogdan Raczynski Mix
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You wouldn't believe how long I spent on this mix.
Imagine spending hundreds of hours seamlessly mixing thousands of tracks you've spent 30 years amassing. Then imagine spending 10 minutes timestretching that into a 70 minute nightmare.
Is it even a mix anymore?
That reminds me of hearing about technology that can turn a completely blurry image into a completely crisp and clear one. Or that time I read about technology which allows people to "listen" to a conversation from far away simply by recording the vibrations on a window. We muso's think we're so fucking clever with our plugins and conceptualizations and research and residences while the spy's are doing the real experimental shit.
Does this imply that with the proper technology someone can extrapolate this mix into those thousands of tracks and hear those dozens of seamlessly mixed mixes? Have I inadvertently invented a super audio compression format? Are we any closer to finding out where the aliens are? What's your favorite color?
I tried to listen to this mix but could only do it once and my ears throbbed afterwards. THough I will say that I fucking crushed the spreadsheets I was working on. It's like giving my brain a pet to play with for 70 minutes so that I can focus on getting some work done.
And if you listen closely there are some weird squeaky sounds peeking through every now and then.
Whatever, fuck your mix. The whole concept wreaks of capitalist smoke like that squat I slept in once after a show where everyone had this look on their face like goddamn it sure would be nice if there were running water so we could shower or have heat or flush the toilet.
What is the purpose of a mix anyway? Dancing? Relaxing? Consuming? Shopping?
Who's benefiting from this?
I looked at the site here and none of the mix descriptions are more than one line so what the fuck am I doing writing this babble? Always gotta be avante-garde and going against the grain; so narcissistic.
Some of us grow up and get paid to pursue sound research in Uni and formal arts orgs while the rest of us are stuck in high school doing free mixes for whatever rando website opens the pearlies with the promise of Exposure.
I'm such a fucking nuisance... but I can hear the creak of the gates closing, or is that the crack of my wedged foot? Fuck it, let the cannibals eat; this immigrant ain't going nowhere.
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